Tuesday, April 21, 2009

cowabunga, dude

i love when i rewatch movies from my childhood and they fulfill all of my hopes and expectations. afterwards, i went straight back to north campus video to get TMNT 2: THE SECRET OF THE OOZE. yeahhhhh. that's right. turtle power.

talking to myself

"I once sat in on a hearing voices class where people were encouraged to articulate their inner dialogues, talk back, and negotiate with them. A pretty twenty-something girl had thought her co-op was compelling her to buy things she had no use for, so she couldn’t walk within 100 meters of the entrance. A Nigerian man’s voices were personified by a six-foot blond transsexual and an angry midget who would constantly argue in his head. And one old lady believed her husband worked for the Secret Service, and that they had kidnapped her and planted a chip in her brain, which made her act out their will. They all agreed the best coping mechanism was using a mobile phone. They held it to their ear when they had the urge to talk to their voices so people didn’t think they were insane."

click here for the full post from VICE


i use the cell phone trick all the time.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

living wonder

"Each of us is aware of far more than we can ever express. Yet those who can persuade themselves to be guided thus in their pursuit of the totality of truth, find themselves rewarded not so much by a surrender of any significant part of the essential mystery, as by its transformation into something accessible as living wonder."

--Laurens van der Post

from wit of the staircase <3

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Music of the Spheres & 100 Hours of Observation

I am blogging live from the back corner of my astrobiology class lecture hall, where my professor was just explaining the ancient geocentric concept of the universe, in which Earth was fixed at the center while the other heavenly bodies moved around it in constant rotation.

Pythagorus, who lived in the days of the geocentric system, suggested that if people sat outside in total silence and listened carefully, they would be able to hear the sound of the sun, moon, and stars rotating around the Earth on their crystalline spheres. If you were in the "right state of mind," as my professor put it, you could listen to this "music of the spheres."

He also informed us that 2009 is the International Year of Astronomy, and to celebrate, thousands of people around the world will watch the sky for 100 hours between April 2nd and April 5th.

80 observatories around the world will provide live webcasts of the observation event, which will bring astronomy to the masses.